

Today was my first time to pick up incoming exchange student-David.Oh and Actually it's also my first time to pick up sb in the airport.Though I was a university-level buddy before,I never really went to pick up my dear buddy baby-Jelte coz he came with Mark,and Mark's buddy would have picked them up in the airport anyway~:P

The first day was always the most tiring day!:P I didn't drink even a drip of water,not to mention lunch~But it was ok with me since I don't really drink much water and need to lose some weights.The only bad thing was that I couldn't take my chinese medicine without having a meal.

We then went to 水源BOT,where they're gonna live in for maybe a year or so.(Here "they" means both David((German)) and Max((french)) ) We spent some time choosing mattress.Apparently mattresses in Taiwan are not suitable for many foreign students because they think the mattress here is too thin for them to sleep on.@@

After that, Max's buddy left. So we three headed to NOVA to get cable lines and cheap cell phones. David's cell phone is made by HTC!!Classic!!:D Yesyes~Taiwan Brand~hehe~=ˇ=b However his and Max's phones both have SIM-lock,therefore they can't not use another sim card in Taiwan.That's why they need a new phone. Luckily enough,Max got his prepaid card from 遠傳  there as well! David's was 中華電信 , which we've bought already in the airport.:))

OH,and I also recommended David to buy 多喝水 when he wanted to buy a bottle water. ;)) He was about to choose Avian (from France) but then changed his mind then~Good~haha~ Max,too!!hehe~:D (Actually he tried to promote Avian first but at last he bought 多喝水 anyway~XDDD)


There's one thing very important!! I'd thank Daivd so much for bringing me souvenirs from Switzerland.When he wrote me to ask what he could bring to Taiwan as gifts,I thought he just wanted me to give him some advices so he could give them to new friends met here in Taiwan. It didn't come to my mind that those suggestions would turn out to be my gifts!!!

A small cute backpack loaded with swiss chocolates,a pack of dark chocolate (I love dark chocolate) and a shining sandal-shape key chain (which is very practical~;))  

I love them sooo much!!!!:D  Ich bedanke mich bei David für diesen schönen Geschenke!!!!:DDSC01398.JPG











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