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janeislion 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

講了這麼多其實也只是9/1早上~= = 下午去銀行開戶遇到一位香港女生(Karen)帶著兩位葡萄牙人也要開戶,他們是到INFO那邊問,我則是排櫃台,後來我愈想愈覺得不太對,所以就去找他們,一問之下,要開戶是要另外的櫃檯,而且他們也是Uni Mannheim的交換生!!^^ 所以我們就一起去開戶。跟我排在一起的葡萄牙人名字叫Jose,是里斯本人,可是承辦小姐感覺有點沒常識,一直問他是不是巴西人~ 後來她還把我的國籍弄成中國大陸= =+  好險之後過幾天跟Kat學姐一起來時(她要開戶) 我要求改成Taiwan。因為別人過去有經驗是在辦理延簽時,簽證官看到妳是中國來的,他就會叫妳另外開一個Sperrkonto,每個月固定只能領多少錢,其他都被鎖住= =。本來行員說不能改,因為護照上就是Republic of China.可是這是ROC~PRC不一樣阿~不過後來我跟他說明這個顧慮之後,他人很好的說,既然會有這種麻煩的後果,那他就幫我改成台灣吧~~人真好~~~而且雖然他有要求看一下我的護照,不過我那天忘了帶,他還是讓我過~XD  真感謝他!!^^


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不知道怎麼搞得,要出個國結果臺灣被三個颱風環繞,實在太神奇了!= = 因為怕高鐵沒開,所以我們臨時決定要提早搭車,這一提就是提很早~10:50的飛機,我們下午四點多就到機場了。在那之前,我們是在高鐵桃園站寄行李以及check in,取得登機證,再搭統聯到機場(全票30)。我的行李一件限重是30公斤,但是我的一放上去,就飆到34.6公斤……這個要硬拗我看也是沒辦法= =,不過華航的櫃姐沒有要罰款的意思,她只是要我把一些東西拿起來XD 我把書拿起來後就變成31.4了,她有讓我過~不過我轉眼一看,怎麼又變成31.6公斤?!原來是我老媽看到櫃姐放行,所以又再塞兩本小記事本進去XDDD 真不愧是老媽!!


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昨天舅舅熱心的打電話來,告知我去桃園機場現在有比較快的方式~也就是我們不用從南部大老遠坐客運到機場了!現在只要搭高鐵到桃園站,就可以在華航在那邊設的櫃檯辦理登機一切事宜,行李也可以在那邊就託運了,我們再從桃園站搭統聯到機場-without our luggages!!!:D


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Yeah yeah it's been a long while I didn't study English or read any english papers or articles which explains why my English is so limited compared to couple of years ago. And today I saw an article on Robin's wall. It's from The Economist talking about an issue that I've been confused and trying to find out since I was a freshman. That is , why could Europeans keep their high-standard living while do not have to work much. To some extent I feel a bit unfair. People in Asia work so hard but still couldn't make as much money as Europeans make. The Europeans here I mean are mostly French,Italian and Spanish ( in my stereotype ). Ha~ Taiwan also develops high-techs and people work way much longer than that in many other countries, but why is our GDP still lingering around USD 17000?? Some say that's because we don't work efficiently. Seriously I doubt it...

Anyway,this article to some degrees shed some light on my question. The real purpose of my post is to note down some vocabs I've never learned or those I could barely recall~:P   But if  you're interested in the article, then just click the link below:

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Yesterday was my birthday. I was actually in a bad mood since just so many things went wrong. And I hate that one only keeps complaining and whining instead of really doing something to solve the problems. I was so upset!! Not to ruin my birthday party at night, I decided to buy pearl green tea with milk so that I might be able to feel a bit better. And I did!XD

After drinking the tea,eating fried rice my mom cooked for me and a half mango, I finally felt that it was time to celebrate my birthday!:P

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今天是7/20,昨天我就去拿簽證了,是為期三個月的D類簽證。並且小姐還很熱心的跟我說,建議我一到德國就馬上去辦理入戶籍以及延簽,而原本我拿的這個德國單國簽證,在未拿到延簽以前,是無法去其他申根國家旅遊的,不過好消息是,今年四月公佈,憑德國單國簽證也可以出德國了。這張visa大概就跟大家說的一樣,須等一個月才會拿到,所以及早辦理比較好。昨天拿到簽證,內心真的挺激動的!! 在簽證快要核發之前,德國在台協會會打電話給我,要我傳真飛往德國的機票過去,並且在3天後打電話去確認是否已可前往領取簽證。


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Yesterday was literally the end of my senior year , after I finished my last final exam-Multinational Business Finance.

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