

Today was the first day of the new semester.This morning i went to a business application software class,which should have been taught in Englsih. I was soooo surprised when the proffesor announced he might teach in Chinese because students in last semester responded to him that they hoped this class could be taught in Chinese. It's ok to teach in Chinese,as long as you marked out this class as a "Chinese-version "one. It unfortunately wasn't!! In course website,it stated that this class  will be taught in English.That's why some foreign students came to this class,while only to find out that teacher spoke in chinese...= =""  I won't doubt professor's profession for sure~However when he actually spoke English,then I thought I wasn't that sure if he really got a PhD. in the US....(He's quite young as a professor thoguh)  Jelte was right~Chris Lin is probably the one who can teach in English fluently in Management department~:))

So I decided not to register this course~:P

At night I had Dutch course.Interestingly,my English was praised by one classmate. She said that my accent made me sound as if I had stayed abroad before~I was thinking:Really??!!~:DDD  YEAH!~~Thanks!!!:D

Dutch is sort of like German,but still different~Not sure if I'll take this course yet~:P


This morning I had a Russian class. The alphabet looked soooooo different and strange to me~~@@ For example,the letter "H" prounces like "N"~= =""""" oh boy~I'm sure it'll take me some time to get used to this new system~@@

The professor can speak very well German and Russian~~But she's kinda strict so we had better not miss any of her class,or she'll know and we're not gonna catch up with other students as well~> < Tonight there was Russian speaking class designed for Russian level 1 students,that is,us!XDDDD That teacher was a Russian and spoke only Russian and English with some russian accent,i guess?XDDD In this class,we didn't learn any grammer.We only learned how to speak Russian,though we didn't even be able to read it~@@  After some practices, she asked me questions in a roll~@@ (She talked to every one of us~^^) And miraculously I answered without much hesitation. Then she said "excellent" in Russian (which I didn't remember~> <) in stead of only "Horosho" (good)~Ohhhhh~suddenly I just felt that I had maybe a bit confidence then~=ˇ=b

No one was praised by that word that night~hehehehe~Let me show off for just a second~hahahaha~XDDD

Right at this night,I removed my Vietnamese course and Japanese course from my studying schedule...> < Sorry~~~I don't think I have enough passion and time for them~~~QQ

Also tonight I am extremely anxious and  nervous about my German certificate exam ,Start Deutsch 2 Prüfung tomorrow~@@



Heute habe ich Strat Deutsch 2 Prüfung abgelegt~Darüber wollte ich nicht sprechen...Morgen gehe ich zu Chris's Unterricht!!!!!YEAH!!! Lange nicht ihn gesehen!!!!:D Dann vermisse ich seinen Deutsch~hahahaha~Nächste Woche werde ich noch eine Prüfung des ZD ablegen~> < Muss mich anstrengen~~!!!!!! Toi toi toi !!!>"<

Bisher bin ich fast jeden Tag soooooo müde!~QQ

Achja,heute Nachmittag ginge ich schwimmen!! 1000 meter!!!:))))

Guten Abend!



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