
Yesterday I went to Goethe Institute to take the ZD B1 exam. Reading was ok,but for writing...I didn't have enough time to finish it.Though I turned out to finish it anyway.But one can see the differences between my writing of the last line and the writing in the prior part...because time was up then and I was too nervous to make my writing look beautiful or whatever,normal~hahahaha~My fingers were soooo stiff that moment and barely not be able  to write " Herzliche Grüße" as an ending in time~hu~@@  I must have looked like an idiot then~hahahaha~

Listening was a bit hard...they used different accents....= =  There were accents of Bayern and Austria,fortunately not Switzerland.^^""" It was kinda interesting to hear different accents,hahaha~but the catch is I have to undersetand it first~XDDD

And I misspelt "Niederländisch" to "Nederländisch" QQ Because in Dutch, it's "Nederlands".........= = Verdammt!!! I should be more careful next time not to mix up two languages...

Last night Daivd helped me with speaking part.Ok,my speaking is really lousy.....= =+++ The other reason is, it's quite embarrassing for me to speak German in front of my friends,especailly if they are native speakers...@@ On listening my speaking,I'd like to dig a hole and jump in immediately...= = Not only I have this problem i think...Linda too!> < Because we're afraid of making mistakes.It's funny that I know the reason however it seems really hard for me to modify it...^^+ Verdammt noch mal!!= =+++ hahahahaha~

Anyway,after all of these exams,I should start to polish up my poor english....^^+ My glorious past has been over for a long long time~~QQ

A little conclusion here,Dutch and German people can speak very well English~WHY???

I'll figure it out someday. Now I'm gonna go for the speaking test.Wünsch mir Glück! :)))





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