
My TOEFL scores came out yesterday morning. I got way better grades than I orginally expected!!!Since I only prepared for it for two weeks,and only the reading part....^^"

109 out of 120  !!! :D  

Recently NTU,my Uni,was criticized by a Professor from another Uni,stating that we NTUers had bad manners and didn't know how to respect professors! I'm not surprised though~Since NTU is said to be the best Uni in Taiwan,it's her fate to be watched and judged by everyone.

She mentioned that it was extremely rude to eat and sleep in class. Oh come on! First,not every student does this. Second,some professors just don't mind. One even thinks,it's human nature to eat when feeling hungry,if you just don't allow,it's basically a bit inhumane. People do things out of some reasons. I believe,if professors ask us not to eat,drink and sleep in class,we students will just do as what professors demand. I did eat in class...but I try not to! ^^"" I don't know,but in some professors' class,I feel so relaxed and casual,and it doesn't seem to be a big problem to eat breakfest or dinner in their classes( bread,milk...things like these,not a big meal for sure~XD)

Exposed to foerign cultures too much,especially from western countries,I sort of feel like getting back to our traditions and culture. Chinese history and philosophy are really our shared memories and treasures. In the era of commotion,maybe we should pick up our books and take a look at what our ancestors left  for us. I take to the following maxim - 弟子規 recently.It's full of wisdom and the beauty of rhythm as well.


The above is just the summary of the whole maxim. :)

原名〈訓蒙文〉,為清朝康熙年間秀才李毓秀所作。 清朝賈存仁修訂改編,並改名為弟子規。

I don't know how to translate it to English~:P Besides,I have to sleep now~;-)

Good night !!:))


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