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" 完成肝臟移植手術後,休養中的賈伯斯,邀請Mossberg前往其位於加州Palo Alto的家中,談談「沒有賈伯斯的科技界」現況。過程中,賈伯斯想走到附近的公園去聊天,想當然,Mossberg擔心其身體狀況所以不肯,不過,「堅持」一向是賈伯斯最強烈的特徵。 走到一半,賈伯斯還一度走不動停下來,Mossberg表示,他當時告訴賈伯斯,腦海中浮現的是明天的頭條:無能記者任賈伯斯死在路邊(Helpless Reporter Lets Steve Jobs Die on the Sidewalk.),賈伯斯大笑,解釋道為何他如此堅持要走到公園:每天他都要幫自己設定一個目標,而今天,他的目標就是要走到那個公園。"


I always wanna do a lot of things in limited time,however it's never an easy task. Most of the time I failed, and that caused frustration. Without confidence and passion you can hardly pluck up your courage again to try to reach your goal. It's like a vicious circle which stops you from moving forward and keeps devastating your self-confidence. After reading this article, it sort of reminded me that a success doesn't have to be something big. As long as you can reach any goal,big or small, you set for yourself, then it is a success. The most important thing is whether you have the ability to put  it into practice so that further make everything possible.

That's what I get from this story. What about you? :-)







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