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janeislion 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

In class , some foreign students talked about their first impression about Taiwan.Most of those impressions were negative. I was kinda disappointed .

There's no doubt that in the past few decades , Taiwan was still relatively undeveloped . But I think after years of efforts , we're worth applause and recognition in some fields. Talk about consumer electronics industry!! Now we don't just do OEM or ODM, we design and innovate !! What we lack most is branding. In the past, companies of Taiwan didn't pay much attention and make lots of efforts to build up their own brands.Therefore it's hard for them to charge more even if their products have added values. It's always easier to earn the premium with a well-known brand. I believe many Taiwan companies have already noticed this problem and try hard to solve it now. 

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  • May 14 Thu 2009 00:42
  • Joke

This is not written by me of course~:P

I copy it from BBS PTT1 MIND 66th post. =)

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